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Trena Mims

Mean Green Sports Player Bio

2019-2020 Season Statistics

Opponent Date Start Game Minutes Played Field Goals Field Goals Attempted Field Goals % Three Field Goals Three Field Goals Attempted Three Field Goals % Free Throws Free Throws Attempted Free Throw % Offensive Rebounds Defensive Rebounds Total Rebounds Personal Fouls Assists Turnovers Blocks Steals Points Average
MACU 2019-11-04 30 2 110.1820 802 211 342 1 3 0 0 66
Alcorn State 2019-11-11 18 1 20.50 100 200 441 2 5 1 0 24
UT-Arlington 2019-11-15 * 22 1 40.251 111 20.52 571 1 3 0 0 44
Xavier University of Louisiana 2019-11-20 16 2 40.52 211 40.251 121 1 0 0 2 74.8
CSU Bakersfield 2019-11-26 18 0 300 300 0-0 0-0 1 0 0 1 03.8
Hawaii 2019-11-29 * 34 0 400 202 210 441 3 1 0 1 23.5
Texas 2019-11-30 * 29 0 500 101 20.52 132 0 2 0 1 13.1
North Carolina State 2019-12-01 * 21 0 500 200 0-0 221 0 0 0 0 02.8
University of Louisiana at Lafayette 2019-12-07 * 30 2 50.40 200 0-1 342 2 0 0 1 42.9
Utah State 2019-12-16 16 0 0-0 0-2 210 110 0 1 0 1 22.8
University of Louisiana at Monroe 2019-12-20 * 34 1 40.250 0-3 40.750 0-2 2 1 0 0 53
Texas A&M-Texarkana 2019-12-29 * 27 4 100.40 0-1 112 021 6 1 1 3 93.5
Western Kentucky 2020-01-02 * 39 2 80.250 0-2 212 022 5 2 0 0 63.7
Marshall 2020-01-04 * 22 0 400 0-2 210 0-1 0 0 0 1 23.6
FIU 2020-01-09 * 34 5 80.6251 111 20.50 662 3 0 1 2 124.1
FAU 2020-01-11 * 48 1 70.1430 102 211 232 2 3 0 2 44.1
Southern Miss 2020-01-16 * 30 2 50.40 100 0-1 230 0 3 0 0 44.1
Louisiana Tech 2020-01-18 * 40 4 70.5710 0-0 0-2 354 3 0 0 2 84.3
UTSA 2020-01-23 * 32 2 50.40 0-1 20.52 351 3 0 1 2 54.4
UTEP 2020-01-25 * 35 2 70.2860 0-1 111 342 2 3 1 0 54.4
Rice 2020-02-01 * 34 2 40.50 0-1 20.50 0-1 0 0 0 0 54.4
Middle Tennessee 2020-02-06 * 27 0 100 0-0 0-2 353 3 1 0 0 04.2
UAB 2020-02-08 * 32 1 30.3330 0-0 0-1 013 0 1 0 1 24.1
Charlotte 2020-02-13 * 26 1 40.250 0-0 300 0-1 2 2 0 2 24
Old Dominion 2020-02-15 * 27 2 60.3330 100 0-2 240 3 1 1 1 44
Rice 2020-02-20 26 0 200 100 0-0 222 2 1 0 0 03.9
UTSA 2020-02-22 26 0 100 0-1 20.50 113 0 0 0 0 13.8
Marshall 2020-02-29 26 3 50.60 0-0 201 232 2 0 0 2 63.9
Middle Tennessee 2020-03-05 27 1 70.1430 0-0 0-1 342 1 1 0 1 23.8
UTEP 2020-03-07 24 1 20.50 0-0 0-1 121 3 4 1 2 23.7
Charlotte 2020-03-11 7 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 220 2 1 0 0 03.6
Season Totals 20 857 42 143 0.294 4 27 0.148 24 41 0.585 26 59 85 46 55 40 7 28 112 3.6

2018-2019 Season Statistics

Opponent Date Start Game Minutes Played Field Goals Field Goals Attempted Field Goals % Three Field Goals Three Field Goals Attempted Three Field Goals % Free Throws Free Throws Attempted Free Throw % Offensive Rebounds Defensive Rebounds Total Rebounds Personal Fouls Assists Turnovers Blocks Steals Points Average
MACU 2018-11-07 21 5 80.6251 20.51 20.50 881 3 4 0 1 1212
Texas (11) 2018-11-12 * 30 7 140.50 102 30.6671 343 2 1 0 2 1614
Kansas State 2018-11-16 * 28 4 110.3641 110 0-1 342 2 1 0 0 912.3
Wyoming 2018-11-23 * 36 5 160.3130 301 20.51 122 4 1 0 0 1112
North Dakota State 2018-11-24 * 28 7 80.8751 110 100 442 6 1 0 2 1512.6
SMU 2018-11-28 * 21 2 90.2220 101 112 131 2 2 0 0 511.3
Missouri State 2018-12-01 * 22 0 500 200 0-0 441 3 3 0 1 09.7
Houston Baptist 2018-12-05 * 25 3 70.4290 100 0-1 341 9 1 0 2 69.3
Utah State 2018-12-08 * 26 2 90.2220 0-1 20.51 230 2 0 0 1 58.8
Xavier University of Louisiana 2018-12-16 * 22 2 40.50 100 0-1 010 6 1 0 1 48.3
CSU Bakersfield 2018-12-21 * 27 2 90.2220 0-2 211 782 5 4 2 0 68.1
Oklahoma Panhandle State 2018-12-29 * 26 2 50.40 0-3 40.750 111 0 0 0 2 78
Louisiana Tech 2019-01-03 * 33 2 90.2220 100 0-1 341 3 1 0 3 47.7
Southern Miss 2019-01-05 * 24 1 60.1670 101 20.51 232 4 3 0 1 37.4
UTEP 2019-01-10 * 25 4 100.40 0-0 200 0-0 5 0 0 0 87.4
UTSA 2019-01-12 * 28 1 70.1430 0-2 211 122 2 3 0 2 47.2
Rice 2019-01-19 * 20 0 500 0-0 0-1 120 1 1 0 0 06.8
UAB 2019-01-24 12 0 200 0-0 0-1 012 0 1 1 0 06.4
Middle Tennessee 2019-01-26 20 0 100 0-2 210 0-2 1 3 0 0 26.2
Old Dominion 2019-01-31 20 3 60.50 100 0-1 342 3 3 0 1 66.2
Charlotte 2019-02-02 31 2 80.250 0-2 30.6671 231 4 1 0 1 66.1
Marshall 2019-02-07 34 5 90.5563 40.750 200 0-0 0 2 1 2 136.5
Western Kentucky 2019-02-09 19 1 50.20 100 0-1 230 3 2 0 0 26.3
FAU 2019-02-14 12 1 30.3330 0-0 201 230 0 1 0 0 26.1
FIU 2019-02-16 20 1 40.250 0-1 20.52 351 2 0 0 1 36
Rice 2019-02-23 19 2 30.6670 0-0 0-1 010 2 2 0 0 45.9
Western Kentucky 2019-03-02 17 0 300 0-0 0-0 332 2 2 0 2 05.7
UTEP 2019-03-07 14 0 300 100 0-0 110 2 1 0 0 05.5
Southern Miss 2019-03-13 19 0 200 0-3 60.53 142 1 3 0 0 35.4
Rice 2019-03-14 21 2 100.21 20.50 0-0 0-0 3 1 2 0 55.4
UT Rio Grande Valley 2019-03-20 24 3 50.61 20.50 0-0 441 2 1 0 1 75.4
Utah State 2019-03-26 15 2 50.41 20.50 0-0 221 1 4 0 0 55.4
North Alabama 2019-03-29 27 4 100.40 0-0 0-0 330 2 1 0 0 85.5
Appalachian State 2019-04-03 14 3 40.751 110 0-0 111 0 0 0 0 75.5
Season Totals 16 780 78 225 0.347 10 29 0.345 22 40 0.55 24 71 95 36 87 55 6 26 188 5.5

2017-2018 Season Statistics

Opponent Date Start Game Minutes Played Field Goals Field Goals Attempted Field Goals % Three Field Goals Three Field Goals Attempted Three Field Goals % Free Throws Free Throws Attempted Free Throw % Offensive Rebounds Defensive Rebounds Total Rebounds Personal Fouls Assists Turnovers Blocks Steals Points Average
MACU 2017-11-10 17 4 60.6670 0-0 0-2 354 2 2 0 0 88
Texas A&M International 2017-11-14 * 33 4 100.40 100 100 333 2 2 0 2 88
Kansas State 2017-11-19 * 30 5 110.4551 110 0-1 124 4 2 0 0 119
Coastal Carolina 2017-11-23 * 27 3 100.30 101 114 262 2 0 0 0 78.5
Detroit 2017-11-24 * 24 0 400 202 210 223 0 0 0 0 27.2
SMU 2017-11-29 * 29 2 50.40 0-0 203 141 4 2 0 2 46.7
Tulsa 2017-12-02 * 34 5 80.6250 0-5 90.5561 124 1 0 0 1 157.9
Indiana 2017-12-05 * 40 3 70.4290 0-3 60.50 112 4 3 0 1 98
La Salle 2017-12-09 * 27 3 60.50 0-1 20.51 231 3 3 0 1 77.9
UIC 2017-12-18 * 18 1 40.250 100 0-1 345 3 3 0 0 27.3
Eastern Illinois 2017-12-20 * 32 2 50.40 103 40.751 233 0 3 0 2 77.3
Oklahoma Panhandle St. 2017-12-30 * 29 1 40.250 0-2 212 240 1 0 0 2 47
Louisiana Tech 2018-01-03 * 28 2 40.50 0-0 0-0 110 0 1 1 0 46.8
Rice 2018-01-05 25 0 100 0-0 0-1 122 0 1 1 0 06.3
Old Dominion 2018-01-11 28 0 200 101 20.51 121 1 0 0 0 15.9
Charlotte 2018-01-13 26 5 80.6251 20.50 0-0 111 2 3 1 0 116.3
Middle Tennessee 2018-01-18 22 2 60.3330 0-0 0-2 020 0 0 0 0 46.1
UAB 2018-01-20 19 1 90.1110 100 0-1 122 3 0 0 1 25.9
Western Kentucky 2018-01-26 * 37 5 90.5561 110 0-1 230 6 1 0 0 116.2
UTEP 2018-01-28 * 32 1 50.20 0-0 0-1 123 7 2 0 1 26
UTSA 2018-02-02 * 26 0 700 0-0 0-1 232 1 2 0 2 05.7
FIU 2018-02-08 * 26 4 70.5710 0-0 0-1 231 3 0 1 2 85.8
FAU 2018-02-10 * 29 2 70.2860 100 0-1 014 1 4 0 0 45.7
Southern Miss 2018-02-15 * 27 2 30.6670 0-2 30.6674 260 0 2 0 0 65.7
Old Dominion 2018-02-22 * 29 0 300 100 0-0 113 0 2 0 1 05.5
Marshall 2018-02-24 * 12 0 200 100 0-1 231 0 2 0 0 05.3
UAB 2018-03-01 * 34 2 70.2860 0-2 211 231 3 5 0 3 65.3
Rice 2018-03-03 * 29 0 400 0-2 40.51 121 1 2 0 0 25.2
Charlotte 2018-03-07 * 0 2 60.3330 100 0-0 660 0 0 0 0 45.3
Louisiana Tech 2018-03-08 * 0 5 80.6250 0-9 910 660 0 0 0 0 196
Western Kentucky 2018-03-09 * 27 2 80.250 201 40.251 013 4 2 0 0 56
Season Totals 25 796 68 186 0.366 3 18 0.167 34 53 0.642 34 55 89 57 58 49 4 21 173 6

Career Statistics

GS-GP Minutes Played Field Goals Field Goals Attempted Field Goals % Three Field Goals Three Field Goals Attempted Three Field Goals % Free Throws Free Throws Attempted Free Throw % Offensive Rebounds Defensive Rebounds Total Rebounds Personal Fouls Assists Turnovers Blocks Steals Points Average
61-96 2433 188 554 0.339 17 74 0.23 80 134 0.597 84 185 269 139 200 144 17 75 473 4.9

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